Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Social media as a tool?

What are the social media platforms, why and how to use them?
- roles of social media

6 Backstage Social Media Platforms Every Marketer Should Be Using
Jayson DeMers 
  1. Pininterest
    Pinterest is one of the best and most popular image-based platforms around.Its format allows viral content to spread quickly, since its share feature “re-pinning” encourages fast travel from user to user, and there are no signs of the social powerhouse’s momentum slowing down anytime soon.
    If the business has products that can be shown off with well-taken photos, Pinterest is perfect for them.
  2. Instagram
    Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms around, with 200 million active users and an average of 60 million photos shared every day.
    Use Instagram to demonstrate the personal side of your brand.
  3. Tumblr.
    Think of Tumblr as a social version of a traditional blog. It’s a new outlet for you to publish and distribute your content, and since other users can connect to your blog with ease, it’s easier to build long-term connections.
    The best way to use Tumblr is as a niche division of your brand—for example, Target uses Tumblr to advertise and promote different fashions associated with the brand. Tumblr users do tend to prefer images and videos over written content, but it’s a good idea to use both if you want to attract the largest possible audience.
  4. Sulia

    Sulia is a relatively new platform that’s attempting to segment and filter the endless stream of content that social media users tolerate. It is an entire platform dedicated to a more refined experience than FB and Twitter.
    Sulia is a content platform like a communal blog, but it allows users to categorize their content and search based on user-tailored “suggested posts” and posts that are trending within the community. With Sulia, you can write to a focused section of your audience and build a more relevant readership. You might get fewer readers with Sulia compared to a mainstream publisher, but the types of readers you get will be more relevant for your brand and therefore, will be more likely to convert.
  5. Bubblew

    Instead of posting all its own content or relying on its users to generate free content it can leverage, Bubblews shares all its ad revenue with its contributors. Right now, there aren’t that many people using Bubblews, so the revenue being shared is miniscule and the readership is limited. However, as it grows, there is a key opportunity for brand promotion.
    Think of Bubblews as a guest blogging platform that can generate a separate stream of revenue.
  6. Snapchat
    Snapchat started back in 2011, but because it’s been used mostly for personal exchanges, it’s slipped by the eyes of most marketers.
    The target audience will only have a few seconds to read and remember your message. In a way, that’s advantageous considering the painfully low attention span of your average user—it’s a way of almost guaranteeing their attention for those few seconds. But at the same time, you need to compress your messaging to ensure it is memorable.

How to measure the effectiveness of social media?

How to Measure Social Media Marketing Success
By Bob DeStefano

Reach – How Many People Did You Impact with Your Message?
  • Connections on LinkedIn
  • Followers on Twitter
  • Likes on your Facebook page
  • Views and Subscribers on your YouTube channel
  • Visitors to your blog, etc.
Engagement – How Many People Interacted with Your Message?

  • Registrations for content downloads
  • Webinar registrations
  • Online lead generation form completions
  • Phone-in leads
  • Online sales

A Comprehensive Guide to Social Media ROI
Dara Fontein

Social media ROI(return on investment) = (SM return – SM investment) / SM investment percent.
Social media ROI is defined as a measure of the efficiency of a social media marketing campaign.


emotional engagement, social media,

1 comment:

  1. The digital world has been offering the excellent opportunities to the brand owners to promote their products/services in order to beat their rivals. We have also been into the B2B marketing of our brand and are utilizing the quick methods like Google Adwords Marketing and SMM etc.
